





You Can Have The Huxtables

Growing up I didn't have too many "positive" images of marriage, my ideal marriage like so many little black children growing up came from The Cosby Show.  The Huxtables had it all!!!! I just knew I was going to have a husband that was silly, one who could make me laugh, take care of our family, manage his time between work and home and pretty much did whatever it takes to keep me happy!!!  We were going  to have four children; two boys and two girls.  The boys would have to come first so they can protect their sisters.  We were going to live in a beautiful house with a backyard and picket fence, go on family vacations, never argue but agree on everything.  If we did get into a disagreement, we'll come to some type of resolve with no issues, YUP!!! That's how my life was to be just like Cliff and Claire.  Please understand that all the things I grew up desiring were the complete opposite of how I grew up!  My upbringing was so not normal but a girl could dream, can't she???!!! It wasn't until recently that I realized my expectations of how my marriage should be was causing a divide in my household and unnecessary stress for both my husband and I.  Not only was he not living up to my expectations but apparently I wasn't living up to his (can you imagine that?!).

​Let's just say that I had an idea but God had a plan!  My daughter came first and I wasn't married, my son came a few years later  and I still wasn't married, to be honest with you my kids were in the wedding!  LOL.  I currently have 50% of the kids I thought I would have and I am pretty content, not to mention kids are expensive!  Funny thing is I am the silly one and I keep my husband laughing, I no longer look for my husband to KEEP ME HAPPY, that's too much pressure on one person.  I realize that my happiness comes from within! Although, I didn't have the pleasure of growing up in a Huxtable like family, everything that I went through has molded me to be the woman,wife,mom I am today and my husband and kids think I am pretty good at what I do!

I knew early on in my marriage that being surrounded by other married couples is vital to the success of our marriage, let me re-phrase that "being surrounded by other HAPPILY married couples is vital to the success of our marriage".  My husband and I are blessed to have friends around us that are actively working towards the same goals of creating a happy healthy marriage DAILY. We know that marriage is work and it takes both parties involved to make it work! Please understand that there is no such thing as a perfect marriage however there is a such thing as having the perfect mate for you in marriage!  I believe that my husband is my perfect match!  He sees the best in me as I do in him.

As I learn more about marriage and how it is a beautiful experience, I've decided to create an event that allows other couples to spend ValuableTime together.  Nowadays, Valentines Day is watered down (in my opinion) it's easier to purchase a gift or spend money at a restaurant, while those things are good being in an atmosphere surrounded by other loving couples, laughing, sharing stories of life and their experiences is AMAZING!  Don't you agree?  I am all about creating, connecting, and cultivating an atmosphere of Love and Happiness.  If you too are interested in spending ValueTime Day with your love please feel free to join my husband and I for an afternoon of Laughs, Love and Lasting Memories.  Tickets are on sell now, the event is going to be an intimate one so seating is limited!  For more information please feel free to contact me via email or Purchase your ticket online

I LOVE all things LOVE related!  I am such a hopeless romantic. Simone S Gray

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