





Silent Party Anyone?

The Birthday Girl and My little sister. They're listening to two different DJs
Maybe this "new" wave to party is new to me but I never heard of a Silent Party until a few weeks ago.  To be honest,  when my cousin invited me out to celebrate her birthday with her I wasn't completely thrilled to learn we'll be attending a party where we'd be listening to music by way of headphones.   Seriously, have any of you heard of a "Silent Party/Silent Disco"? At first I asked my cousin what  it's all about? She explained to me that it's a party where everyone wears wireless headphones and dances, I thought the idea was a little stupid.  It just didn't make any sense to me, why am I going to a party with people to wear head phones?  Anyway, because my cousin is one of my favorite people in the world I was open to at least trying it out.  I am so glad I did!  I had a ball!!!
When I first got to the venue the music was loud and I was like "Why do we need headphones if the music is already loud?"


You Can Have The Huxtables

Growing up I didn't have too many "positive" images of marriage, my ideal marriage like so many little black children growing up came from The Cosby Show.  The Huxtables had it all!!!! I just knew I was going to have a husband that was silly, one who could make me laugh, take care of our family, manage his time between work and home and pretty much did whatever it takes to keep me happy!!!  We were going  to have four children; two boys and two girls.  The boys would have to come first so they can protect their sisters.  We were going to live in a beautiful house with a backyard and picket fence, go on family vacations, never argue but agree on everything.  If we did get into a disagreement, we'll come to some type of resolve with no issues, YUP!!! That's how my life was to be just like Cliff and Claire.  Please understand that all the things I grew up desiring were the complete opposite of how I grew up!  My upbringing was so not normal but a girl could dream, can't she???!!! It wasn't until recently that I realized my expectations of how my marriage should be was causing a divide in my household and unnecessary stress for both my husband and I.  Not only was he not living up to my expectations but apparently I wasn't living up to his (can you imagine that?!).

A New Year Brunching with some Beauties in Harlem, New York- 2016

I woke up one morning and was like, "I'm going to start my New Year off by having Brunch with some Beauties." Instead of me hand-picking who would attend I decided to put the word out on facebook and whoever was meant to be there, would show up! To be honest with you, if no one would have responded I still would have had brunch by myself! I have no problem going out alone, I'm pretty confident doing things alone! The funny thing is I often start out alone but somehow I always seem to meet new amazing people and next thing you know we're just having a good time like we've been friends for years (it's both a gift and a curse, Lol!)

Access Your Rise in 2016

Too often WE (women) know how to Accessorize ourselves with "things" such as: designer bags, trendy clothes, sexy shoes, flawless make-up, and the latest hairstyles yet we neglect the most important part of who we are. It's very easy to get caught up in only taking care of our outer appearance rather than taking the time to find what's been hidden within. Granted the outer appearance is how we're judged and perceived by others as well as how we judge and perceive others too, but like everyone in the world our true selves are the very hidden within.