Your personal blueprint for 2013 a.k.a. Your Dream Board
How to Create and Use a Dream Board
There are many who think that it isn’t possible to actually make your dreams come true but, in fact, a Dream Board can help you to do that very thing. From vacations to far-off places that you dream of visiting, to the dream of a loving relationship and happy family, a Dream Board is an essential tool for making your dreams into reality and bringing them to beautiful fruition. Indeed a Dream Board can be seen as a tool to create a reality where your dreams become real. Anything that you want to do, any place that you want to see, the Dream Board can help you make it happen. In fact, you can use a Dream Board to make YOU into the person you dream of being. You can use it to create who you are and create the life you dream of living.
Is it easy.? No. It takes diligence, thought, and care. Will the changes come quickly? Maybe, maybe not. Some things take time to happen but, if you have the patience, the drive and the Dream Board they will come. Is it crazy? Well, let’s just say that I use mine to create an incredible life for myself and there are many others who have done the same thing and even more.
The simple fact is this; most dreams can come true if you work at making them happen, and a Dream Board is the best tool that you can use to do this. It’s easy to make, costs practically nothing, is an excellent exercise for any adult because of the clarity that it can bring. For women in general, who are more visually oriented than men, it can be a true life changer. That’s right, I believe a Dream Board can change your life.
Listen, there are those that would poo-poo the Dream Board as ‘unscientific’ or even just plain silly but I, and many others, have seen the incredible, life changing events that have occurred once we created and used our Dream Boards. These same changes can be yours with a Dream Board and a little faith. Why not give it a try? If it doesn’t work, no harm done. But if it does work.....???
This is why on Saturday January 5, 2013 we kicked off the new year at one of Brooklyn's best kept secret, InTo Tea located 163 Gates Avenue and Downing Street. Our Some ME Time ladies created their "BluePrint" for 2013. Guest speaker Tirza Barnes-Griffith of Tirza loves to motivate gave our ladies a detailed outline on how to accomplish the things in life they desire as well as how to live a purposeful life. What a way to start 2013!!!
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