OK let’s get real; women have a LOT of responsibilities. We’re caregivers, goal setters, professionals, great listeners, activists and dreamers. The typical life of a modern woman is filled to the brim every day with responsibilities at home, at work and in the community. The fact is, we’re givers we women. We were designed that way and we do much of the things we do without a thought for recompense or praise. But here’s the problem; sometimes we give so much that we forget that, on occasion, we need to be given a little too. We’re all so caught up in doing things for others that we neglect to do things for ourselves. This can go on for a little while but, in the end, it’s hard to keep giving if you’re empty, am I right? That, ladies, is why I started Some Me Time. I wanted to create a environment where women from all walks of life could get together, escape from the day’s organized insanity and just BE for a little bit. I envision Some Me Time as not only a place to relax but a place to grow together as women, as mothers and as professionals. The way I see it, the only way to shine brightly is if you recharge your batteries every now and again.