





Dream Girl Dream

Most people when they hear Friday the 13th they instantly believe it to represent a day of bad luck, superstitions and horror films, well for me Friday the 13th will forever be a reminder to me of unusual blessings!!!! This past Friday was so amazing, as I think back even now I am overwhelmed with so many feelings, God is GREAT!!!!

Know your Worth! Knowledge is Profit!

Did you know, watering down your God given gifts is pretty much like telling God to His face, you don't appreciate what He's given you? Unless you're completely crazy, I can not imagine anyone having enough guts to tell the Creator of all things, that He doesn't know what He's doing!!! Seriously, most of us in our right minds would never even think about uttering those words to Him HOWEVER actions speak louder than words. While we may not utter those words to Him, our acts of second guessing our value scream, "God you don't know what you're doing and I know ME better than YOU do!" How about when we compare ourselves to other people whose purpose may mirror ours just a little bit, so we begin to second guess if we're even capable of succeeding. I don't know, maybe this post is just for me but Chile, I am so tired of wrestling with God, It is time that WEcompletely, whole-heartedly move in OUR purpose. WE must no longer allow fear and complacency to dictate OUR worth. WE must no longer water down ourselves at the leisure of peoples level of comfort. We're either looking to please God or Man. Give yourself permission to do what you were created to do and that's to BE GREAT!

Sayañara Summer 2015 - Spending My ME Time Isn't Always Alone Time

"We had people of all backgrounds coming together- all races, all creeds,all colors, all status in life.  And coming together there was a kind of quiet dignity and a kind of sense caring and a feeling of joint responsibility."   - Dorothy Height

"Some times your Some ME Time consist of being surrounded by others who need Some ME Time, it doesn't always mean Alone Time."  - Simone S. Gray

Circles and Cycles Workshop Recap

It is my sincere desire to connect my Beauties with all things that will bring them closer to their God given purpose. This workshop was more that we bargained for. Alycia Johnson exudes W.O.W. a Woman of Wisdom. Her God guided teaching gives you the desire to want more, more of God and more out of life. Some ME Time is excited to be working with Always Journal to bring more life changing workshops to Brooklyn, New York.

Circles and Cycles Workshop


Please join Alycia Johnson of Always Journal and I for a transforming workshop, Saturday October 24, 2015 11:00AM to 3:00pm. I've been working with Alycia Johnson for a few weeks, I can honestly say that her non-traditional journaling techniques have been very instrumental to me finally being able to walk in the purpose God has designed for me.

CurlFest 2015 - Family, Friends, & Fun

March 2014 I did a "Big Chop"! I was transitioning my hair for a few months but could no longer take how my hair looked. The roots were thick and coarse and my ends were straight, everything just a mess. With me now being an official natural girl one of my friends invited me to this event called The Curlfest. Little did I know that I was about to be hooked! As long as I am in New York City when the Curliest takes place I will always be in attendance! It is just an AMAZING experience!


Good Morning Dreamers!!!

This post is specifically for YOU as you may be headed to a place you really don't want to be, this is for you!!!

As I was headed to Atlanta I wasn't quite sure of what to expect, I just knew I had to be there. I've been to other conferences but the difference this time around is " I am a New Simone" my mind is different, my "why" is different, my finacial situation is different, even my circle of friends is different... I'm just different!

From Ratchet to The Real Reality

I remember there was a time I would rush home from work to engage in negative television. Oh my goodness, It was the highlight of my evening. My teenage daughter and I were hooked to "Ratchet T.V." (Yes, I admit it! I allowed my impressionable, innocent, pure daughter indulge in "Ratchet T.V." with me SMH!!!! You better not be judging me! ). 


Growing up I can remember my Dad having the television on lock any time his favorite football teams was playing. Back then I use to get so mad at him for not letting my sisters and I watch what we wanted on T.V.. I guess years later I have my Dad to blame for my love of football, my husband loves it!!!. One of the many reasons I grew to love football was that watching a football game with my Dad allowed us to be right under him. For hours as he enjoyed his evening off from work, my sisters and I loved when Dad would try and explain the game to us detail by detail. Watching football along with other sports of his choice was a way my Dad took his some ME time.

Mommy Moment Monday A Mother and Daughters Bond

My daughter was one of my two bridesmaids at my wedding 8/2011
Ok, so every parent dreams of the day when their baby will graduate from High School and head off to college.  Well, when I tell you that it happens a lot quicker than you'd imagine...... Please believe me!  

3 Day Weight Loss Detox with Dr. Oz

When a friend of mine invited me to join her in being a part of the The Doctor Oz audience I was so excited. Well the funny thing is my friend, Cynthia who invited me never made it so I was there all by myself. 

Ladies Night Vision Board Party 2015

For the last three years, Some ME Time has hosted a Vision Board Party, this year was a little different because I decided to host it in the comfort of my home with a few of my close friends. As I continue on the path to truly define my brand I believe it's important to for me to have clarity of the direction I'm headed in, so rather than just do something for the sake of "doing something" I'd rather continue to gain clarity and wisdom. I was inspired to host a Vision Board Party in an intimate setting so I figured why not in my own house?